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        好美寮自然保護區位在布袋鎮好美里境內,由於八掌溪與龍宮溪兩條河流交會淤積的結果, 使得此處形成自然資源豐富的孕育場所, 吸引無數動植物進駐與成長,為了維護保護區內的各種自然界嬌客,相關單位將此地列為自然保護區,提供各界作為遊憩、研究的空間與場所。

       好美寮保護區的範圍廣大, 從西濱往海邊的方向前往, 大概也要10 分鐘的車程才會到達。這裡以欣賞水鳥及觀察溼地動植物活動為主,由於指示牌不甚明顯, 遊客得循著堤防邊的斜坡堤道往上, 才有可能欣賞紅樹林、潟湖等景觀。

        順著堤防旁的道路第一站會先看到以海茄苳為主的溼地範圍,站在堤防上遠望,除了可清楚看到紅樹林外,水鳥的蹤跡也處處可尋,不管是在溼地間覓食的白鷺或是翱翔於天空中的蒼鷺、大卷尾 都是賞鳥客不能錯過的美景。







Hao-mei nature reserve

1. Foreword

   Hao-mei used to call Hu-wei-liao and this name comes from driving sand-accumulation and the mound just like a lie tiger. Local people mostly engaged in fishery. However, the most luckily is that the precious scene in this area still remains good. In 1985, Hao-mei area had been promoted as nature reserve in natural environment protecting project. Mangrove, windbreak forest and bayou are all the treasures here.


2. Windbreak forest and fish farms.

     Before you enter Hao-mei nature reserve, you can see thousands of and chains of windbreak forest just like a great green wall. It guards the land and its people. The fish farms closed and spread along the green seaside forest till the end of land. The sky and the sea connect into a line. The scene is so beautiful that it even hard to appeal to words.

     The windbreak forest is not form in nature. However, it accidentally became a beautiful green corridor. The windbreaks construction is a great work. From sowing, growing till grow up, is all the staffs diligence. Its contains with thousands of beefwood. Because the beefwood had been damaged by Anoplophora maculate. So at recent years the windbreak forest had added in Hibiscus tiliaceus L., Pongamia pinnata, Palaquium formosanum Hayata, Cerbera manghas, Murraya paniculata and so on.


3. Hao-mei bayou area and mangrove

     According to estimate, two-thirds of mangrove is come from the coast wetland. Hao-mei bayou areas animal phase is the richest area of the nature reserve. After low water 3 hours everyday, its is the best time to observe and to play at the bayou. Many local pick clams there at that time.

     Most of he southern area are use to develop as fish farms. Presently, they breed milkfish and mud crab in major. And the northern area contains with rich mangrove, primary in forsk and Kandelia candel.

     Except forsk and Kandelia candel, the area has many advantages so it also a good rebreeding place for mangrove. Presently, Rhizophora stylosa Griff and Lumnitzera racemosa Willd are in good shape. Here had been regard as the most precious mangrove mixed forest. Mangrove has viviparous set, aspiratory root, supporting root and wide tolerance of salt. Mangrove can make the water clear, protect the shore and resist the wind. Mangrove in Hao-mei has four kinds, such as Kandelia candel, Rhizophora stylosa Griff, Lumnitzera racemosa Willd and Avicennia marina Vierh. Except the mangrove forest, there are also a lot of plants at the bayou area.

     The center of bayou use to breeding oysters, and at the lowest water we could see naked oysters. Its also a special landscape in the nature reserve.


4. Offshore sandbank

    The outside of bayou is an offshore sandbank and the area is about 3.3Km100m.The Chiayi county plant beefwood as windbreak forest. The outside of the windbreak forest has many sand dunes forming a special landscape. There also many plants on the sand dunes. The plants here must equip tolerances of wet, dry and salt. These plant also can help fixing and sticking the sand dunes, and make these sand dunes harder, larger and stronger. This ability is quiet important because Taiwan now is facing that the wetland is washed away.


5. Long-gong river mouth

     Long-gong river, also know as Yan-shuei river. If we see from the point view of the center of Hao-mei bayou, the vision here is the new town of Budai. Its right side is river Long-gong and the other side of the river is Taiyens mechanical sabkha. There used to have a large forsk forest. But in 1987, the mechanical sabkha and the seawall are under construction. The forest area had decreased. The outside of the seawall also used to have a lot of Rhizophora mucronata Lam, but it had died. Many other plants also in danger because the construction of western sea-front.


6. Conclusion

     Taiwan is encircled by the sea. The landscape and the biology source of the coast are quiet rich. However, people live here do not know much about our environment. In order to make them know the nature and go a step further to love the nature, we must start from the education of environment.

     At the natural classroomHao-mei, we can realize the river mouth, bayou and sandbank etc. geographic landscape. We can also observe the creatures of the ecological system at the coast of this area. We sincerely hope that the creatures at the wetland would live forever. However, their continuation of life is our job and our property.

     The landscape here changes with times, seasons in changing and winter to spring. Although the seasons are not clear here, you will find the trace of the time when come here. It is very worthy for you to come here to enjoy the beauty of nature. Especially in sunny days, the green windbreak forest with blue sky and clear beach would make your body get fully released and let you leave away the hustle and bustle urban life.

     And in winter, we can realize the desolate of the land. Appreciating the fishers characteristic of unswerving, industriousness and stamina.

Everyone would love the summer in Hao-mei. When the dark comes with night, Silence reigns supreme. The breeze fans your face and the moon just like a silver mirror. Stars shine on the sky, the insects and birds sings like a natural symphony. If you stay here, you will hope the time could freeze and never pass. Everything at here is just like a dream in the summer night.

As is everyone knows the sunrise of Mt. Ali, but you will never know the most beautiful scene is that the sunset of the Hao-mei seaside. If you have ever come to the heaven in Hao-mei and enjoy the spectacular scenery here, you would never forget the wonderful experience here.

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